Ziyu Tao

power supply The commercial power supply for the daily use has large switch noise in the level of Hz, which can be measured by the spectrum analyzer with DC coupling (important). Warning: AC c...

Calibration Zero In spectrum analyzer, a peak of leakage at local frequency from microwave source can be observed, even if the base signal has not been sent. To suppress such leakage, we should ...

learning regex some examples used regex in my daily work latex counting words Latex text analysis in Texstudio count words including the citing expression \cite{xxx,xxx}. We can replace it with ...

Case To get the data array from devices, the encoding form should be stated. If you do not state the encoding form at all, pyvisa will has UnicodeDecodeError when query some devices for the data....

Case For the objects that are frequently called, but only created once in the beginning (or not usually changed), we should try to use Singleton pattern to improve performance and reduce memory co...

superconducting quantum circuits (SQC) Readings Introductory guide: A quantum engineer’s guide to superconducting qubits History and development: Quantum information processing with supercon...

updating 仪器: DAC板子, Spectrum analyzer ( Digital serial analyzer ( 需要连接微波源(给板子载波$f_c$)以及数字示波器,以同步(仪器反面)。 Script以及操作 scripts: ...

测量参数 [\Phi=\Phi_{D C}+\Delta \Phi \cos \left(\omega_{p} t\right)] 这部分把参放当成比特想,接入两个线,一个用直流源接bias,一个微波源接pump。 比较简单的一种是用的二倍频。 pump参数 pump bias (bias) z线 pump frequency (fc) 微波源频率 pump pow...

IQ determination We firstly discuss how to determine the qubit state from the readout data. A single-qubit with n levels (qudit) has quantum states [\vert\psi_n\rangle = \vert 0\rangle,\vert 1\ra...